SutroFM Logo

Increasing activity by creating identity

A redesign of SutroFM's landing page

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Sutrofm-screen 2
Sutrofm-screen 3
SutroFM Logo

Increasing activity by creating identity

A redesign of SutroFM's landing page

Sutrofm-screen 1
Sutrofm-screen 2
Sutrofm-screen 3
SutroFM Logo

Increasing activity by creating identity

A redesign of SutroFM's landing page

Sutrofm-screen 1
Sutrofm-screen 2
Sutrofm-screen 3
SutroFM Logo

Increasing activity by creating identity

A redesign of SutroFM's landing page

Sutrofm-screen 1
Sutrofm-screen 2
Sutrofm-screen 3




2 months


Business Analysis, Research, IA, Content Design, UX, UI


Michael Claus (Engineer), Sebastián Ortega (Product Designer)


  • Redesign landing page for a more intuitive and natural experience

  • Implement content that allows listeners to discover new music

  • Fashion a simple and readable weekly timeline

  • Relocate chat room and live stream component


During this 2 month sprint, I was tasked with improving SutroFM’s landing page and article content layout in order to improve listener experience. SutroFM’s main goal as an online radio station is to broadcast knowledge, history and talent of the Bay Area to the world.


SutroFM is looking to restructure and simplify its landing page, IA and content in order to create an experience that is natural and learnable to the current and future listener base. Listeners are feeling overwhelmed and confused when interacting with SutroFM’s landing page, due to a busy and information heavy layout design.


We believe that by designing a learnable and organized landing and music recommendations page with a natural flow, we will increase listener engagement on SutroFM. A usable website and restructured article content will enable SFM’s listeners to get comfortable and invested with Sutro, thus paving a path to increased website activity.


Research revealed that listeners are looking for a narrative behind the music. Listeners understand that finding new music is a journey, with a process that tells a story about the person searching. Currently, Sutro FM only presents music to listeners without the option to explore the website and find new music on their own. We chose to shift the focus towards discoverability by devising content and layout with the research in mind. Listeners would now be able to find out more about music while feeling represented and connected to what they choose to listen to.

Trend identification

4 main trends were prevalent throughout our researching journey.




Content regarding the history of underground electronic music

Listeners pay attention to the story behind the music

Listeners pay attention to where the music is coming from

Listeners listen to mixes of artist’s that they are familiar with

Prefer to listen to Queer focused stations

Prefer to listen to BIPOC focused stations

Listeners would like to listen to shows from other parts of the Bay Area

Enjoy discovering new voices

Enjoy discovering new artists

Enjoy discovering new music






Content regarding the history of underground electronic music

Listeners pay attention to the story behind the music

Listeners pay attention to where the music is coming from

Listeners listen to mixes of artist’s that they are familiar with

Prefer to listen to Queer focused stations

Prefer to listen to BIPOC focused stations

Listeners would like to listen to shows from other parts of the Bay Area

Enjoy discovering new voices

Enjoy discovering new artists

Enjoy discovering new music




Content regarding the history of underground electronic music

Listeners pay attention to the story behind the music

Listeners pay attention to where the music is coming from

Listeners listen to mixes of artist’s that they are familiar with

Prefer to listen to Queer focused stations

Prefer to listen to BIPOC focused stations

Listeners would like to listen to shows from other parts of the Bay Area

Enjoy discovering new voices

Enjoy discovering new artists

Enjoy discovering new music



Listeners want to know more about the history of rave culture


Interviews suggested that there is not enough QTBIPOC representation within SutroFM


Listeners feel comfortable when listening to stations they identify or are already familiar with


People who listen to online radio stations enjoy finding out about new music

“Values being exemplified in music is really important to me.”

Anonymous listener

Information architecture

Before transforming our insights into designs, I created a sitemap and restructured the primary navigation. I chose to rename pages and organize content so that listeners could naturally discover and interact with new musical content.

Updated sitemap


Implementing now

Implementing in the future


Pages in website







Most recent recommendations posts

Sort view: upcoming shows

Sort view: full schedule

Sort view: all shows

Full daily schedule

Shows by genre tag

Full weekly schedule

Shows by alphabetical order

Recommended posts


Recommended posts sorted by author


Recommended posts sorted by genre tag

Staff members

Sort view: shows by genre tag

Sticky music player

Sticky chatroom widget

Updated sitemap


Implementing now

Implementing in the future


Pages in website







Most recent recommendations posts

Sort view: upcoming shows

Sort view: full schedule

Sort view: all shows

Full daily schedule

Shows by genre tag

Full weekly schedule

Shows by alphabetical order

Recommended posts


Recommended posts sorted by author


Recommended posts sorted by genre tag

Staff members

Sort view: shows by genre tag

Music player

Chatroom widget

Updated sitemap


Implementing now

Implementing in the future


Pages in website







Most recent recommendations posts

Sort view: upcoming shows

Sort view: full schedule

Sort view: all shows

Full daily schedule

Shows by genre tag

Full weekly schedule

Shows by alphabetical order

Recommended posts


Recommended posts sorted by author


Recommended posts sorted by genre tag

Staff members

Sort view: shows by genre tag

Sticky music player

Sticky chatroom widget

Updated primary navigation


Design choice navigation

Old navigation

Updated navigation







“Shows” is changed to Archive as the word is more literal for listeners

Schedule is kept as is since it is a familiar term to listeners

Recommendations is given a page so listeners can find previous posts easily

Feed is included in the home page

Donate directs visitors to the updated “About” page





Content design

In order for SutroFM to increase its listener activity I designed a music recommendations recurring post that showcases the music that is shared, posted and discussed by friends and staff members of Sutro FM.

Recommendations preview link design

Title of release, song, mix, etc.

Submitted by Author X.

Genre tags are clickable so listeners can explore posts similar to the ones they are curious about

Title is designed to inform listeners what type of content they are viewing.

Author text is clickable so listeners can explore further

Title of release, song, mix, etc.

Submitted by Author X.

Title is designed to inform listeners what type of content they are viewing

Author text is clickable so listeners can explore further

Genre tags are clickable so listeners can explore posts similar to the ones they are curious about

Title of release, song, mix, etc.

Submitted by Author X.

Genre tags are clickable so listeners can explore posts similar to the ones they are curious about

Title is designed to inform listeners what type of content they are viewing

Author text is clickable so listeners can explore further

Recommendations post layout design



I once heard this song at one of the Inmundo Renegades at peak hour. The moon was sky high and the entranced soundwaves struck my eardrum in the most pleasant way. Give it a listen and let me know how you feel about this one :)

Recomended by Author X.


Genre tags are clickable so listeners can explore posts similar to the ones they are curious about

Title is designed to be readable. The title’s outline is designed to separate Sutro FM from other websites.

Author link is available for listeners to find out more about who submitted the post

Social media links are given so that listeners can find out more about the content

Written content is typed in a short format to carry the attention span of the listener.

Genre tags are clickable so listeners can explore posts similar to the ones they are curious about



I once heard this song at one of the Inmundo Renegades at peak hour. The moon was sky high and the entranced soundwaves struck my eardrum in the most pleasant way. Give it a listen and let me know how you feel about this one :)

Recomended by Author X.


Social media links are given so that listeners can find out more about the content

Author link is available for listeners to find out more about who submitted the post

Written content is typed in a short format to carry the attention span of the listener

Title is designed to be readable. The title’s outline is designed to separate SutroFM from other websites

Genre tags are clickable so listeners can explore posts similar to the ones they are curious about



I once heard this song at one of the Inmundo Renegades at peak hour. The moon was sky high and the entranced soundwaves struck my eardrum in the most pleasant way. Give it a listen and let me know how you feel about this one :)

Recomended by Author X.


Social media links are given so that listeners can find out more about the content

Author link is available for listeners to find out more about who submitted the post

Written content is typed in a short format to carry the attention span of the listener

Title is designed to be readable. The title’s outline is designed to separate SutroFM from other websites

Style guide

Our design system was meant to be usable and readable, while distinguishing itself from other online radio stations. I chose variants of black, grey and white with a shade of purple to highlight important actions and information. In order to add to Sutro’s sense of identity, I decided to change the color highlight every other month. SutroFM’s audience has shown that they enjoy websites imbued with identity. Changing colors is one minimal way an online radio station can achieve that. Arial is kept as the main typeface as it is a system font for bootstrap, which is the framework the developer is using for SutroFM.

H1 Heading

H2 Heading

P1 Paragraph

P2 Paragraph

Paragraph text - Pellentesque condimentum imperdiet massa eget. Semper id egestas sapien, iaculis. Ullamcorper fermentum sed mattis lobortis lobortis. Morbi at eu, consequat lacus eget interdum mollis et mauris.

Link Text



Color highlight changes at a bi-monthly basis

Intentionally left room for grays to expand over time

Gray 0

Gray 100

Gray 800






Color highlight changes at a bi-monthly basis

Intentionally left room for grays to expand over time

Gray 0

Gray 100

Gray 800







Color highlight changes at a bi-monthly basis

Intentionally left room for grays to expand over time

Gray 0

Gray 100

Gray 800







Recommendations preview content

Lorem - Ipsum

Submitted by Author X.


All Components will have no corner radii per CEO’s request

Primary navigation






Live play/pause and chatroom component


Now live

All Components will have no corner radii per CEO’s request

Primary navigation






Live play/pause and chatroom component


Now live

All Components will have no corner radii per CEO’s request

Primary navigation






Live play/pause and chatroom component


Now live

Landing page analysis

When ideating solutions, I analyzed the landing page thoroughly. A quick usability and learnability analysis was enough to uncover SutroFM’s weak points. Research dictated that listeners were unsure of where to go. Most people who listen to SutroFM know where to go because they tried hard enough to find the live stream and chat room component. I quickly realized that our solution needed to be easy to understand for newcomers to SutroFM.

Archive and Feed is confusing nomenclature to listeners

The eye naturally looks to the header. As a result, some scheduling info should be placed here

Live and Chatroom components are placed in an unintuitive location

Archived Episodes layout contains too many visual lines of separation adding unnecessary visual clutter

Archived Episodes layout contains too many visual lines of separation adding unnecessary visual clutter

The eye naturally looks to the header. As a result, some scheduling info should be placed here

Live and Chatroom components are placed in an unintuitive location

Archive and Feed is confusing nomenclature to listeners

The eye naturally looks to the header. As a result, some scheduling info should be placed here

Live and Chatroom components are placed in an unintuitive location

Archived Episodes layout contains too many visual lines of separation adding unnecessary visual clutter

Archive and Feed is confusing nomenclature to listeners

Hero redesign

To keep listeners informed I designed a header containing a condensed version of the daily schedule. Additionally, we decided to include gifs made by local visual artists that would play within the header. This would allow for a greater connection between SutroFM and the community.

Gifs created by local artists adds variety to the website and helps SutroFM gain more visibility within the community

Schedule is previewed to inform listeners what is playing currently and what is upcoming

Recommendations layout is designed to draw attention to the leftmost content while drawing the eye in a counter clock wise motion

Upcoming radio shows included in the home page so listeners are informed of the daily schedule

Sort allows listeners to view content in various ways, adding a sense of discovery to the experience

Gifs created by local artists adds variety to the website and helps SutroFM gain more visibility within the community

Schedule is previewed to inform listeners what is playing currently and what is upcoming

Recommendations layout is designed to draw attention to the leftmost content while drawing the eye in a counter clock wise motion

Upcoming radio shows included in the home page so listeners are informed of the daily schedule

Sort allows listeners to view content in various ways, adding a sense of discovery to the experience

Gifs created by local artists adds variety to the website and helps SutroFM gain more visibility within the community

Schedule is previewed to inform listeners what is playing currently and what is upcoming

Recommendations layout is designed to draw attention to the leftmost content while drawing the eye in a counter clock wise motion

Upcoming radio shows included in the home page so listeners are informed of the daily schedule

Sort allows listeners to view content in various ways, adding a sense of discovery to the experience

Video of the the updated landing page


My time with SutroFM informed me that people listen to music because they connect with it on a deep personal level. I was reminded that a great product can have so much more value if a deep level of empathy and understanding is given to projects ranging from simple to complex. Doing so allows a Great product to connect with its users at an emotional and intentional level while still providing high value.

Upcoming case study

AI pronunciation tool with




Product Design